This spicy peanut spiralized sweet potato pasta is the perfect quick and easy dinner recipe! It’s ready in just minutes, gluten free, grain free, vegan…
Single serve protein brownies are the perfect dessert or afternoon snack! Made with bananas, protein powder and ground flax, these protein brownies are not just…
This Mediterranean vegetable soup is the perfect weeknight dinner. This soup is ready in under 30 minutes, requires no chopping, and is vegan, paleo, Whole30,…
Your breakfast routine is about to get a major upgrade with this vanilla cinnamon sweet potato breakfast bowl! It’s everything you want. Creamy, dreamy and…
Chocolate peanut butter cauliflower oatmeal is the perfect low carb breakfast, especially if you love oatmeal! Made with cauliflower rice, protein powder and peanut butter,…