The Best Crispy Balsamic Tofu

Crispy baked balsamic tofu is incredibly easy to make and works so well with pasta, on pizzas, in salads and so much more. This budget friendly protein is perfect for any meal.

Why you will love this recipe

Simple, easy to make

Delicious, healthy ingredients

30 Minutes

Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free


– Extra firm tofu – Balsamic vinegar – Italian seasoning – Sea salt – Black pepper (optional)

Step 1

Slice the tofu into blocks, place paper towels or clean tea towels between the blocks and place a heavy item (like a few cans of tomato sauce) over top. Place in fridge for 15 minutes - 2 hours.


Step 2

After the liquid has been pressed out, cut the tofu into 1 inch cubes.


Step 3

Combine the balsamic vinegar, italian seasoning and salt in a bowl. Pour over tofu. Let tofu marinate 30 minutes-2 hours in fridge.


Step 4

Place marinated tofu on baking sheet and bake in a 400F oven for 30-35 minutes.


Step 5

After 30-35 minutes, remove from oven. Add more balsamic vinegar and salt, stir well. Let sit 5 minutes before enjoying.


– As croutons on your salads for more protein – On pizza – With pasta – In pasta salad – On top of soup for crunch – As a high protein snack

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